
Marrow & Soot is an artistic celebration of the beauty of nature and the self. Growing up on the southern edge of the vast Boreal forest has given me a deep reverence for nature. It’s also granted me a twin appreciation for the meditative self-reflection that comes when wandering about in the woods.

Through my art, I seek to explore how the two are connected and transform one another, often by visually blurring the boundaries between the natural world and what our consciousness projects. In celebrating the self, I also endeavour to emphasize empowerment of marginalized groups by depicting ancient narratives through a critical, intersectional feminist lens. Digging up the bones of buried narratives and putting them up to a modern light can produce engaging and uplifting new contemporary tales. Stories which can often be doorways to growth and healing.

The name “Marrow & Soot” is a cheeky allusion to my preference for drawing with graphite on white paper: the art is soot black on bone white.

If you have any questions, please see the FAQ or email me at marrowandsoot@gmail.com.